Monday, September 11, 2006

For those discouraging days

We got the school mailer in our mailbox last week. You know that little newspaper that goes to every home in the area? The one where school district tells us how great they are doing, yadda, yadda, yadda.

MEAP Scores in our district (percentage=proficiency)

Grade 11
Reading 2005 60%
Reading 2006 55%
Writing 2005 31%
Writing 2006 40%
English/Lan. Arts 2005 49%
English/Lan. Arts 2006 45%
Science 2005 37%
Science 2006 49%
Social Studies 2005 21%
Social Studies 2006 73%
Math 2005 27%
Math 2006 38%

Yes, folks, 62% of the students graduating from our high school cannot pass a the math proficiency test. 62%! Only 40% can pass the reading part of the test. 60% are not proficient at reading. 60%!

There was an article on the back page that DH pointed out to me. Alcohol and drug survey results. Paranthetically is the national average. Grade 12 lifetime use of various drugs:
Alcohol 86.4% (76.8%)
Cigarettes 63.6% (52.8%)
Marijuana 58.4% (45.7%)
Smokeless Tobacco 17.6% (16.7%)

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The days are so different. Instead of mess and homeschool teaching I have a DH working from home and quiet until 2:54 when #6 (who is 10)...