Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What it is?


Our baby chicks are here. The chicken adventure continues!

We decided that every spring we will get another flock of chickens. The old chickens will be slaughtered in the fall when the new chickens are laying. It takes approximately 4 months for a pullet to mature enough to lay. In the fall we could possibly be pulling in 60 eggs a day. After the old chickens are culled we will have stewing chickens galore. And you may ask if there is a difference between a store bought chicken and a farm raised stewing chicken? The difference is the farm raised ones are fantastic in soup. Absolutely fantastic.

The peepers will be inside for a few weeks and then they move out to the other chicken shed.


The Lunds said...

I love the chickens, especially when they are not in my car.


Tulip Girl said...

Ah, laughing very hard!

amybird0019 said...

The picture series really pulls one in! Ah, the cuteness of chicks!!! I'm thinking of getting a couple. I can only have two though by city ordinance, not that it would matter, this is Hawaii, where the chickens run everywhere...who would stop me from having several caged???

Robyn said...

ewww...this is why I don't farm. Those baby chicks would be named in no time!

Tulip Girl said...

Robyn-ours are named McNugget, omelet, cordon bleu, dumplings, and more. You get the idea.

We have very specifically trained the kids that they are for food.


The days are so different. Instead of mess and homeschool teaching I have a DH working from home and quiet until 2:54 when #6 (who is 10)...