Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Adventures in Food

Clunking around in my head this week has been the winners of last year's garden and food preserving.

frozen apples, but freeze with no peels, crisp, oatmeal, cake-this ROCKS
Salsa-I will have to make even more this year, the family LOVES it
Tomato puree-I have some fantastic tomato soup made from scratch with tomato puree
Strawberry jam
Peach jam
Black and Blue Jam (blackberry and blueberry)
Apple Butter-to quote #3, "it is like apple pie on toast"
Dill pickles-the family hates store dill pickles but loves homemade ones, whoda figured?
Green Tomato Relish
Pinto beans
Mango chips (dehydrated)
Banana puree-figured out a way to can those brown bananas that were taking over the freezer
Homemade deli meat
apple pie-frozen, Rebecca came over and taught me and we love having apple pie on demand, in 1 hour

Not Winners-
Green beans canned using frozen store bought green beans, had to try it
Bean and bacon soup-it got funky
Crabapple syrup, only DH and #5 like it
Banberry jam-it is not flying off the shelves like the other jams so they either forgot about it or don't like it

I need another freezer. I don't have enough room to freeze all the broccoli or apples. And, I can't believe I am writing this, but I could use more jars. sigh

1 comment:

ScrappinCindy said...

Yes, the girls are definately different. But miracle of miracles, Scout has finally decided he LIKES to write! He is writing a lot of historical fiction (of course lol) So hang in there; you never know when the bulb will go off.


The days are so different. Instead of mess and homeschool teaching I have a DH working from home and quiet until 2:54 when #6 (who is 10)...